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NPI News

  • NPI News

    NPI Client to Receive Global Brand Exposure at NASCAR Event

    Raceway publicity boost for TapouT brand of muscle recovery products comes as new line prepares...

    September 25th, 2014 Read More
  • Industry News

    Top 5 Current Health Product Trends

    1) Increased use of simple labeling and natural ingredients More brands are simplifying their packaging...

    July 31st, 2014 Read More
  • NPI News

    Nutritional Products International Joins Leading Industry Organization

    Nutritional Products International (NPI), one of the nation’s most successful sales and marketing firms focused...

    August 16th, 2013 Read More
  • Industry News to Offer BALSHI M.D. – Derma-Ceutical Products

    To view the original article, click here. DELRAY BEACH, FL (PRWEB) MAY 29, 2012 DELRAY...

    May 29th, 2012 Read More
  • Industry News

    Major Retailer Vitamin World Now Carrying Body Basix Products

    To view the original article, click here. DELRAY BEACH, FL (PRWEB) MARCH 16, 2012 Body...

    March 16th, 2012 Read More
  • NPI News

    Chris McIntosh of Body Basix Praises Work of NPI

    To view the original article, click here. DELRAY BEACH, FL (PRWEB) FEBRUARY 16, 2012 Nutritional...

    February 16th, 2012 Read More

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